Older work
In a previous life I built immersive content experiences in Flash. It was a wild time. I got to do alot of fun work for great clients and learned a ton about making immersive experiences that kept users engaged. Here are some of the more notable ones…
Wizards of Waverly place
My Contributions: Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics

Highschool Musical 3
My Contributions: Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics

My Contributions: Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics

Sonny with a chance
My Contributions: Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics

Once upon a time…
I also built alot of games for youth marketing sites. The reason I mention this is that understanding what makes a game compelling and something you want to engage with again and again becomes an important skill set when considering how to make experiences that aren’t games (maybe like….B2B enterprise level software…just sayin’) something that people actually want to regularly come back to and engage with.
Anywhoo, below are just a snippet of the few online games I had the pleasure of making for companies like Disney, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network.
My Contributions: Concepting, Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics.
Smashing Ideas: Catch the berry!
My Contributions: Back ground artist, UI Design
Smashing Ideas: Squirrel Nut Putt!
My Contributions: Lead designer (UX and visual design)
Adult Swim
My Contributions: Back ground artist, UI Design
Disney Channel
My Contributions: Concepting, Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics.
My Contributions: Concepting, Lead designer (UX and visual design), Motion graphics.