Running an "Improv for better design" workshop. Ninety-five percent sure I am impersonating a tiger in this photo.

Running an "Improv for better design" workshop. Ninety-five percent sure I am impersonating a tiger in this photo…

Hi, I'm Chris Hannon!

I want every designer to get promoted, be paid more, and be better partners to their design clients and teams. Currently I am Head of Design at a digital product development agency and am lucky enough to work with fortune 500 & 100 companies to help guide their creative and strategic initiatives. 

A few years ago I went through a big “aha” phase that made me think differently about how I understood my job and it give me more than just a new tool or design trend in the designer toolbox. It changed my life! Suddenly was able to see, think, and articulate in more meaningful and valuable ways in my job.  

Leadership Style

I am a big fan of Radical Candor. I find that caring personally and challenging directly works well with how I view my colleagues - they are people first! If you haven’t checked out the book or videos, I highly recommend it!


My Values

The following values are the set of core values that I am proud to have contributed to, learned about, and grown with in the last two decades at Smashing Ideas. While the company itself has gone through many changes, the heart of it is still the same and these values are why:

Illustrations by Chad Otis